Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Role of Science in Our Life

The Role of Science in Our Life In every generation and in every century there always exist a number of people, who are afraid of everything that is related to possible changes. In various epochs they are called differently: luddites, anti-globalists, ecologists and so on; but their nature is always the same. They hate progress and strive to preserve the status quo without seemingly realizing the fact that the same very kind of people hated progress and strived to retain the status quo a hundred years ago, and now they use all the things that were denounced by their spiritual ancestors. In their blogs on the Internet they write about immoral scientists, who conduct dangerous experiments; but they do not realize that they actually use the product of the very science they hate in order to convey their thought to the similarly-minded. Science always has to fight against heavy odds, for it always tries to show how useful something may be to people who don’t want to listen, knowing that the very moment they will be persuaded, they will use a yet another product of science against what has created it. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that a scientist is the hero of modern day, and not a politician or a social activist. Science makes our life possible – today a human being cannot imagine his or her life without all the many thousands of little and big things, created by science in the course of millennia. And the people who denounce it for meddling with the things that we do not understand, just don’t see that there is no way to study a thing that you don’t understand without, well, studying it. Of course, science always prevails in the end, for life is stronger than death. But it is really embarrassing to see how hard it has to fight.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Two Topics Appropriate For a College-Level Expository Essay

Two Topics Appropriate For a College-Level Expository EssayIn a university setting, two topics appropriate for a college-level expository essay should have been covered extensively in college. These two topics can be the result of some general study and some more specialized study. It is very rare to find a college-level expository essay that only involves one topic.The first topic would be general study. Here, the student will have examined their life and explored the reasons for why they are the way they are and why their life is what it is. Many times students feel unqualified to write about these issues because they do not understand what causes them to be who they are.The second topic would be the specific information that was learned in a course or seminar, often related to a previous topic. It could also be the research for an independent project that was not included in the course. Often this information has a different meaning for each person. It is usually important to reex amine one's life to see if there is a need to add this information into their essay.The problem with these two topics is that they cannot be written in isolation. In order to make a more efficient essay, you will want to make a few points in both of these areas before moving on to the other.One way to address the general study, is to give a very brief summary of a point made by the professor in the lecture, but without the professor directly citing the point. This is accomplished in two ways:- Give an outline of your main point or idea, providing an anecdote that shows how the main point is relevant to your topic and how it relates to your major theme. Often this is done in a chapter that appears after the essay.- Provide a short list of important points or parts of your topic that could be made even more clearly. Let the reader see how the information helps to make your main idea more clear. This is done in several ways:You can incorporate these strategies into the second part of y our essay, which is the specific information. Another way to accomplish this is to use examples of things that happened during the course, either from the course itself or something you may have learned in a class related to the topic at hand. This way, you can save a great deal of time and space by providing examples of you life from the perspective of the topic that you are writing about.